Wednesday, 9 February 2011

Methodist 'ordinations' at Catholic Cathedral?...

Is it just me, or is there something slightly, let's say, inappropriate about a Catholic Cathedral hosting a Methodist 'Ordination' Service?

Why do I have a problem with this?

Let's see...

It might give the impression that we believe that a Methodist 'Ordination' Service results in the people being ordained receiving a sacrament...

It might result in people who protest against Catholic Truth (they are protestants, remember, that's what it means...) conducting a service in the Presence of the Blessed Sacrament in Whose Presence they don't believe... (Unless the Cathedral authorities remove the Blessed Sacrament for the duration: what are the odds on that do you suppose).

It might lead people to imagine some equivalence between Methodism and the One True Church founded by Christ...

It might result in premature apoplexy for any believing Catholics still to be found on these sorry isles...

And on and on.

H/t Luke Coppen on Twitter (@lukecoppen)

UPDATE 28 May: these 'ordinations' will not now take place in a Catholic Cathedral! See here...


Left-footer said...

Yes, and I guess it will.

It reminds me of the Imam preaching in Westminster Cathedral, or ++Vincent Nichols laying flowers on a heather altar in Willesden, or the idol on the Catholic altar at Asissi.

It will probably result in a few more lapsed Catholics. But that's ecumenism, folks.

Let's keep up the good work. God bless!

Richard Collins said...

The thing that buzzes around in my head is WHY? Do they not have a Hall of their own to hold the service in?
I try to be Christian in my interpretation of the things that Archbishop Nichols gets up to but he's stretching my faith somewhat.

Ben Trovato said...

LF The Ordinariate is true ecumenism in practice, in my view.

RC: Why indeed? But I don't think we hold +Nichols responsible for this one: it's not his patch, it's Liverpool.

Richard Collins said... understood but he is Archbishop of all of England and Wales.

Ben Trovato said...

Is he? Is Westminster officially a primatial see? I note he's not a Cardinal, and therefore hierarchically is not superior to the Archbishop of Liverpool.

Ttony said...

I wonder if this is an "ecumenicaller than thou" attempt by ++Kelly to leapfrog ++Nicholl's opposition to the Ordinariate.

"I showed my contempt for the traditional reception of the Sacraments in England and Wales and you raised me your friendship with Rowan and your refusal to let the LMS have the Mass they wanted in Westminster. I raise the ordination of protestants in MY Cathedral."

Left-footer said...

Episcopal poker?

Ben Trovato said...

It doesn't bear thinking about: 'I'll see your protestant ordinations and raise you...' what?

If I were Pope, I'd make it strip poker: 'I'll strip you of your pallium and you of your see...'

Left-footer said...

Ben - a consumation devoutly to be wished.

Richard Collins said...

Now you're getting technical on me. Wiki has him down as 'head of the Roman Catholic Church in England and Wales' but they've been wrong before.

Ben Trovato said...

RC - it's a question, not a statement: I've heard both positions asserted and don't myself know which is correct.

Richard Collins said...

I like your blog also, Ben.
Nothing sycophantic about me!

Hunted Priest said...

Richard asked why they don't have a hall of their own. Well, they did. They had a wonderful Hall in the city centre (see this link: but it is now the Barcelona Nightclub!

I do hope the so-called Cathedral suffers the same fate. Maybe we could start using a proper Church as the Cathedral.

However, since those in charge of the Archdiocese are Methodists (at best) themselves there should be no 'culture-shock'. Poor old Church!

(Excellent blog, btw)

Anonymous said...

This really shouldn't be allowed.

Surely the ordinations would be better suited in the Anglican Cathedral??

Really this is an insult...