In honour of today's feast and our Holy Father. They don't write them like this any more.
Tu es Petrus, et super hanc petram aedificabo ecclesiam meam. Et portae inferi non praevalebunt ad versus eam: et tibi dabo claves regni caelorum et quodcumque ligaveris super terram erit ligatum in caelis et quodcumque solveris super terram erit solutum in caelis.
Thou art Peter, and upon this rock I shall build my church. And the gates of hell shall not prevail against it: and I shall give thee the keys to the kingdom of heaven.And whatsoever thou shalt bind upon earth, it shall be bound also in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth, it shall be loosed also in heaven.
Secretive (eg my wife doesn't know I'm writing this blog)
Mendacious (eg my name isn't really Ben Trovato - that comes from an Italian saying: Se non è vero, è molto ben trovato - if it's not true, it's well found (or made up, as we'd say.))
Superficial (I have an interest in almost everything, and can pass myself off as knowing a lot more than I do...)
Self-deluding (my wife probably does know about this blog by now...)
For the record, my kids aren't really called Antonia, Bernadette, Charlie and Dominique either... It would seem unfair to write about them under their true names, so ABCD seemed a good idea. My wife's not Anna either, but again the AB pattern seemed pleasing.
Fr. Z’s Predictions for 2025
2025 Predictions 1) There will not be a papal conclave. 2) The USCCB will
oppose deportations. 3) At least one SCOTUS justice will retire. 4) At
least one ...
A Reflection on the Incarnation
From *The Lord*, by Romano Guardini:
THE Christmas liturgy includes these beautiful verses from the eighteenth
chapter of the Book of Wisdom: "For while...
The Word Became Flesh
Something changes on Christmas night.
I mean, yeah obviously Mary becomes a mother and Jospeh a presumably
still-confused stepfather and the boy who is ...
Chartres 2024 Complet! (Full)!!
For the second year in a row, the Pilgrimage to Chartres is completely
full! Pilgrimage logistics (campsites, coaches, security) have reached
their cap...
Pre-1910 Calendar for Week Beginning 24 December
*Announcement of the Indulgence, the Holyday and the Feast of Devotion*
+24 *Sunday* Fourth Sunday of Advent, second class. Vigil of the Nativity.
Mass o...
Saint Gabriel
The angels call for our veneration and awe as part of God’s creation. Part
of the destructive modernism of the 1970s included advice to Catholic
school t...
The Pontificate of Abuse
I have in the past had some experience of abusive relationships. They are
profoundly painful even when you love the person involved. It can take a
long ...
Prayer and Reality
[image: Image result for kneeling "low Mass"]
"It is not the healthy who need a physician but the sick"
Jesus is supposed to be our Saviour but most of us...
Pilgrimage to Borris, County Carlow
Members and friends of the Catholic Heritage Association joined together
this afternoon for a Pilgrimage to Borris, County Carlow, and a Traditional
Latin ...
Never again Charlie, Isaiah and Alfie.
The Italian pro-life organisation, Steadfast Onlus, have published a note
on their Facebook page about an event they held today in Rome,
commemorating the ...
Rosary On The Coast At Margate...
Following the witness shown in Poland and Ireland recently, a group of lay
people in the UK decided to try and organise a similar day of pilgrimage
and p...
The law is an ass
Ealing Council have voted in favour of creating an exclusion zone around
the infamous Marie Stopes abortion clinic in its area. Neither pro-lifers
nor pro-...
The Battle for the Shire
A devout and good young man is keen to join the Society of St Pius X. I can
understand that. I have always wanted to be simply a priest as Catholic
Ad Orientem... Please?
Last night we went to Mass in the Extraordinary Form at St Charles in Hull.
I am very grateful to Bishop Drainey for allowing this once monthly Mass to
Three thoughts
First thought: whatever this Friday brings, don't lose your peace of soul.
Personally, I suspect we can expect the worst. But so what if that happens?
The ...
Palm Sunday
Here are recordings of some of the chants you may be singing on Sunday:
> Hosanna filio David
This blog has now moved
Please note that this blog has now moved to:
Would you please be so kind as to update your links, as this blog will no
longer be ...
Christmas 2015
(Of course, the Baby Jesus didn't arrive until the Crib was blessed
shortly after I photographed the Crib)
*HaLong Bay is northern Vietnam’s biggest attraction*, one of the world
magnificent natural heritage...
That Letter - Update
We now have hundreds of signatures on the letter in support of our priests,
thanks to the many bloggers who carried the letter (see here for a list),
and m...
Manual for Spiritual Warfare – Paul Thigpen
Manual for Spiritual Warfare Paul Thigpen Tan Books ISBN 9781618906533 ASIN
B00SZDHHJ6 Like it or not, you are at war. This book is excellent. To be
Changing The World: One Diaper At A Time.
*The most important person on earth is a mother. She cannot claim the honor
of having built Notre Dame Cathedral. She need not. She has built something
*No one should attempt to use this book without having ...
Clearing the Decks
*To know oneself is a miracle greater than raising the dead. - St Isaac
the Syrian*
Only Christ is the End; everything else is a means...
"They don't write them like this any more."
Indeed not...but I think James Macmillan's Tu es Petrus which accompanied the Pope Benedict's entry into Westminster Cathedral was pretty good.
I quite agree. Indeed I might have posted that one had I thought of it. Macmillan is a great contemporary composer.
But I have a special place in my heart for Palestrina's setting, so naturally that was the one that occurred to me.
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