When people accuse the Church of being obsessed with sex, I think what they really mean is that the Church confronts a world that is obsessed with sex. The Church's insistence on teaching the Gospel truth about human love is so counter-cultural that the sex-obsessed world thinks this is all that the Church has to say.
Of course it is not, but it is an important front in the battle. Why is that?
Principally because it is one of Satan's chosen battle-fronts. From the dawn of time he has hated Love; and in particular he has hated the dignity bestowed on human beings in being able to express love in a way that is co-creative - co-operating with God in bringing new life - including a new eternal soul - into the world. That is something the Angels cannot do.
And from the earliest time he has attacked this: there can be no doubt that one of the effects of the Fall of Man is disorder in our sexual nature - and that is why the Church's witness in this area is always so unpopular, and always so important. For it is the truth that sets us free, and those who live by the Church's teaching - the teaching of Our Lord Himself - can attest to the fact that it is truly liberating and love-promoting.
The Long Ash Wednesday
Sometimes you try to be creative in liturgy and it just goes wrong. I'm not
afraid to admit it. The important thing is to learn, then move on.
Take last we...
7 hours ago
"When people accuse the Church of being obsessed with sex, I think what they really mean is that the Church confronts a world that is obsessed with sex."
That is an excellent way of putting it - I quite agree with everything you write here.
Sorry, I disagree. When people accuse the Church of being obsessed with sex they simply reflect the obsession of the media which generally is only interested in those occasions when the Church discusses sex.
Glad you agree - shows how wise you are!
Glad you disagree (no need to apologise) - makes life more interesting! Not quite sure I get the distinction you are making: are you saying it is the media which is sex-obsessed rather than our society as a whole?
I am just suggesting that the media is on the lookout for stories that have a sex angle. People generally aren't obsessed with sex- at least I don't think so- but many have some level of curiosity which the media is happy to pander to. Years ago, for instance posters, newsagents' signs etc, for the News of the World paper carried the legend "All human life is here". That "all" was largely restricted to the seamier side of life. At the time of Pope Paul one could read in the Catholic press of the many subjects he addressed. If you read the mainstream media you could be forgiven for thinking that the only subjects that preoccupied him were those with a sexual angle. Come up to date with Pope Bendict and the impression given is that everything in the Church revolves around sex abuse cases. In fact they seem much exercised when he doesn't mention it! Damned if he does and damned if he doesn't!
"People generally aren't obsessed with sex- at least I don't think so"
Oh, Patricius, you naive! Which society are you living in? Have you any idea of the level of interest in matters sexual in the average office? Are you unaware of the websites offering "sex dates" in your area? Are you unaware that the biggest business on the Internet is porn? There is an entire sub-culture pandering to the desire for sex and more sex.
Ben is quite right in his analysis. I think the Church should be asking of society, "why are YOU so obsessed with sex?"
Dear Patricius,
My questions were rhetorical. I didn't mean to suggest that you would actually be aware of some of the things I described. I sincerely hope you're not!
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