Dominique was at a friend's today, so we took the opportunity of doing a slightly more challenging walk than we might otherwise have done (at least, I took the opportunity: Anna and the kids foolishly let me choose the route).
Started at Midday or thereabouts, so belted out the Regina Caeli to get us going...
It ended up being 9 miles, and included 2000 feet of height gain, mainly at the start, but with quite a pull between miles 6 and 7, just when people were beginning to tire.
The weather was cool, but the wind was ferocious at times on the high exposed ground, and for the last mile or two there was driving rain, too.
Oh and we had a picnic at the end of the first ascent, sheltered (well that's over-stating it, perhaps) by a small hill.
This is what the holidays are for: a fabulous time was had by all - and some of them are still speaking to me...
The Long Ash Wednesday
Sometimes you try to be creative in liturgy and it just goes wrong. I'm not
afraid to admit it. The important thing is to learn, then move on.
Take last we...
7 hours ago
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