Before Easter I posted about Apologetics, and said that I would do so again after Easter.
I have been thinking and praying about this (though not enough of either) throughout Lent and Eastertide, and also discussing various aspects with a number of people.
There seems to be a strong consensus amongst many (and this is also reflected by hits on Ttony's blog when the topic has been raised) that this is a high priority for the Church in England and Wales: equipping adult Catholics to know and be able to present, convincingly, a Catholic philosophy and world-view.
Whilst the final form any initiative might take is far from certain, I am keen to learn from the rigour of the Catholic Evidence Guild, though street-corner evangelism is not part of my ambition.
But the wisest comment on this (I think) that I have read was that it must be first of all a spiritual apostolate. Without a base in prayer, it is likely to fail.
Therefore I think the first priority is to recruit prayer warriors. So if anyone is prepared to pray daily for this intention, that would be excellent. Also, if anyone knows any orders of nuns, monks, or other top pray-ers who would give this some serious support, that would be even better!
As the prayers go up, I will continue to think, pray and discuss with others (out of the public eye, at this stage) various ways in which this might be furthered. Please contact me if you wish to be part of that discussion.
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