One of the great features of Catholicism is that we are allowed to have fun!
But possibly not in Lent...
I was going to post a few of my favourite Catholic jokes, but as I wrote the first sentence of this post, realised that it would be unseasonal. So I will do so after Easter. Treat this as a teaser campaign!
I suspect you may be enjoying the tease!
Over 6o years ago I was told that if I could not laugh at my religion then I probably do not take it seriously!!
I love it! My weighty thought-pieces, full of insight, and provocative comment, are greeted with stony silence. But a jokey headline and teasing content gets three comments within minutes of publication!
I do love it, actually: it precisely makes the point about Catholicism being, inter alia, a culture of good humour. I notice that Beachcomber was held up as profoundly Catholic on the CTS Reviews site recently, and I wholeheartedly concur - although he never preached at all, just made people laugh.
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