Wednesday, 20 July 2011

The CTS responds...

I tweeted @CTSPublishers to alert them to my post about the rubrics, as I thought they might be interested. (Many others were - possibly as a result of it being mentioned in a tweet by Holysmoke, it has become a much-visited page - not far behind the Methodist Ordinations post...)

I have just had two tweeted responses:

CTSpublishers CatholicTruthSociety
@CCFather Thanks for pointing out these issues which I will pass to our editorial team.

and then a few minutes later:

CTSpublishers CatholicTruthSociety
@CCFather There was much last-minute editing on these booklets due to changes we received late, but we'll correct on reprint where needed.

I will watch with interest.

I would also be interested in the status and origin of these ¿rubrics?...


Mulier Fortis said...

Fr. Tim Finigan posted on the rubrics about three weeks ago.

Ben Trovato said...

Thanks Mac,

I did in fact refer to and acknowledge his post in my original one on this subject, here: