I've just learned (from another parent) that the kids' school is going to allow the local health authority to implement a programme of vaccination of girls against the HPV virus.
This starts tomorrow, apparently, and both Ant and Bernie are in the target age ranges.
We have been told nothing about this officially. Given that the school can't give a kid an aspirin without written authorisation (though as we know they can whisk a girl away for an abortion without ever telling the parents, before or after) one suspects double standards again.
As HPV is a sexually transmitted disease and we are bringing our girls up to be chaste, we will be opting out - but we are only able to do so because we found out and have been able to brief the girls!
Daily Rome Shot 1256 – moving experience
From directly below… When you walk diagonally across the nave while looking
up, there is an optical illusion. It looks like the figures are moving. The
12 hours ago