Thursday, 5 April 2012

#twitterangelus crossing continents

I was delighted to see that as well as the long-established (ie 2 days) #twitterangelus in the UK in British Summer Time, we have two more in the USA.  Kimberly Hartman (@dancingcrane) in Ohio led one at -7GMT (PDT), and Andrew Skonieczny @Andrewskon a seminarian in Cleveland, also Ohio (I think - my US geography is pretty shakey) led one - that seemed at a different time: does Ohio have more than one timezone?

So you could:

a) join in one of the above at the appropriate time: simply search for the hashtag #twitterangelus on Twitter;  

b)start one in your own timezone;

c) continue praying the angelus privately, with your family as you already do;

d)start (or resume) praying the angelus privately, with your family (as you used to or not, as the case may be);

e) none of the above.

NB: e) is a poor option!

For those who wish to join or start a local #twitterangelus, all the texts are here in Latin and here in English.  Copy and paste works well - but do remember to pray the prayers as well as copy and paste them!

Why #twitterangelus?  In honour of our Lady, of course, and her Blessed Son; but also because we have discovered that there is a sense of real, if virtual, connection established by praying together remotely like this (especially if one is on one's own); and also to bear public witness amidst the noise of Twitter to the eternal realities (especially once we get it trending!)

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