Bernadette, our second daughter, has been chosen by the Parish as one of those to go on the diocesan trip to London to meet the Holy Father when he meets the Youth of England in London.
She is rightly excited and looking forward to seeing His Holiness.
Perhaps 'been chosen' is a bit overstating it - there were three places available (as some parishes nearby can't find a single youth to send) and only 3 people of the right age who attend Mass with any regularity...
That in itself is something of a scandal.
FATHERS! TODAY ends 40% off clerical Guayabera shirts (and there are
regular Guayabera shirts too, and Chacabanas and Panama hats, fedoras, etc.
for anyone)
Hey Fathers! How about a clerical Guayabera shirt? I have one. Great for
hot weather.
1 hour ago