Tuesday, 25 August 2015

The next exciting set of links...

These posts linking to my old series on the Catholic Dads' wwwsite, about Keeping Your Kids Catholic are attracting lots of hits, so I imagine people are finding them useful.

Therefore I will continue to post five links at a time,whenever I have time to compile them.

Here is the next (slightly eclectic) set of posts.

Catholic Minds

Books for Catholic Kids

Love of Scripture

Catholic Family Life

Nothing is Too Difficult

Perhaps I should collect them all together and offer them to the CTS as a booklet?...

1 comment:

Patricius said...

I have just been dipping in- not having had time to do them justice yet-but I think you have something very special here! Perhaps it might be worth contacting more than one Catholic publisher- not least because what clearly works very well as a series of postings might have even greater potential when sensitively edited and expanded.