Wednesday, 30 March 2011

Adopt an Abortionist

Inspired by...

on the one hand, the Adopt a Priestess project (you haven't adopted your priestess yet? - hurry on over to Acts of the Apostasy at once and do so!), and...

on the other hand, Anthony Ozimic's excellent presentation to the International Pro Life SPUC conference (H/t Discover Happiness - go and take a look)...

I have decided to launch a parallel Adopt an Abortionist project. There are many abortionists who have repented, most notably the late Bernard Nathanson. Nobody is beyond the power of God's grace. Therefore we can and must pray for current abortionists.

Unlike the priestesses, we don't have a list of names. I suggest we simply allocate a number, and a country designation.

I will pray for UK#1 - God will know who that is. If you want to join this initiative, drop by the combox and let me know what country you want your abortionist to be in and I will allocate a number.

I have found that praying for 'my' priestess has been very good for me: I can no longer think evil of her or her kind, only pity them for being so deluded by the devil. I hope that this will be similar as I pray daily for 'my' abortionist, UK#1.

We could agree to use the HLI (Human Life International) Prayer for Abortionists (below), as well as any other prayers you wish to offer (Rosary recommended!)

Prayer for Abortionists

St Michael the Archangel,
Come to the rescue of men
Whom God has redeemed at great price
From the tyranny of the devil.



Left-footer said...

Briiliant idea. I must find one to adopt!

God bless.

Left-footer said...

Sorry, I should have said "UK".

Larry Denninger said...

Great idea, Ben! I'll take US1, and promote the idea at AoftheA.

Larry Denninger said...

Oh - you gotta develop a button or logo or something so other folks who want to support this cause can post it at their site. I used the site Cooltext to make mine for the Adopt-a-Priestess one. Just a thought!

HEATHER said...

This is so beautiful and such a wonderful idea! God Bless!

Ben Trovato said...

Thanks for support:

LD: US1 as you suggest - and I'll try a button at the weekend.
Heather - do you want an abortionist to adopt (only spiritually - you don't have to take him home...)? If so, which country?

KatyLamb said...

I'll take two please.

Ben Trovato said...



How about US#2 and US#3...

Larry Denninger said...

Ben - thanks for accepting my request ;-) Guess I jumped the gun a bit there.

Ben Trovato said...


Not at all - there's really no need for me to allocate, as people can just follow the number sequence. Indeed, I hope that is what's happening, as I have had around a hundred visitors look at that entry, but only a couple putting their names down in the comms box. So I hope the rest are resolving to pray for an abortionist anyway.

just me said...

I'll take US #4, thank you. Great idea!

Ben Trovato said...

Thanks, Daughter of the Church!

Richard Collins said...

I'll take Wales, they grow on the trees round here!

Ben Trovato said...

Ooops Richard - sorry - only just saw this: thanks. I wonder if they hug them too....