I have long been aware that I need more patience. But reading the little booklet by the Jesuit, Fr Richard Clarke on the subject gave me a much more profound insight into the importance of this virtue, the ways to exercise it and the benefits thereof, both in this world and the next.
I won't give away the plot but do recommend it (Patience, by Richard Clarke SJ, published by CTS). I can honestly say that since reading it recently, I have already coped better with a slight illness, dealt more calmly with a host of minor annoyances, and responded more lovingly to the kids in times of stress... And as for my driving...
Of course, it will all wear off soon - but then I can always re-read the booklet as a refresher!
Has anyone had a problem with the “combox” form?
Every once in a while, I’ve seen someone mention that they could not leave
a comment. As a matter of fact, a few days ago I noticed that there was
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49 minutes ago
You have a good name.
Hello. This post is likeable, and your blog is very interesting, congratulations :-). I will add in my blogroll =). If possible gives a last there on my blog, it is about the Massagem, I hope you enjoy. The address is http://massagem-brasil.blogspot.com. A hug.
Hi, can I draw your attention to the new website of the publishers, The Catholic Truth Society (CTS).
It’s got some downloadable publications on it, plus it’s got a great range of Catholic books, DVDs and other things.
We’d appreciate if you could review it in your blog.
Thanks, Sophie (CTS)
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